Harrison Nasekos

Student Director | Arrowhead Church, Greeneville

Harrison grew up living in various places in Mississippi, and was homeschooled. After graduating, he attended Belhaven University where he attained a degree in Biblical Studies. He has had family working in ministry his entire life, which opened the door for him to start working in ministry throughout his life. After starting to attend Arrowhead, he has loved being a part of the community and wanted to help foster community in FUSE among students.

Harrison’s job is directing the youth and young adult ministries at arrowhead, like FUSE and C+YA. He is passionate about building relationships, having meaningful conversations, and see the Lord work in students lives through ministries like FUSE. He hopes that while he is at Arrowhead, every student regardless of age or place in life, is affected and changed for the better from hearing God’s word.

Outside of arrowhead, he loves spending time with friends by going on adventures, going to the gym, or enjoying a great meal! And if you ever need an Elmo impersonator, Harrison is your guy!



Lee Brown


Chris Shumate